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How to Adjust Garage Door Tracks for a Perfect Fit: A Guide with Dually Doors

May 27, 2024

Garage doors are integral to our homes, offering convenience, security, and aesthetic appeal. However, like any other mechanical system, they require regular maintenance and occasional adjustments to function optimally. One common issue homeowners in Pensacola, FL, and surrounding areas may encounter is misaligned garage door tracks. When misaligned, the garage door may not open or close properly, posing potential safety risks and inconveniences. This guide will walk you through adjusting your garage door tracks for a perfect fit.

Introduction to Garage Door Track Adjustment: Understanding the Importance

Garage door tracks guide the door as it opens and closes. When these tracks are properly aligned, the door moves smoothly and effortlessly. However, these tracks can become misaligned over time due to various factors such as accidental bumps, wear and tear, or lack of maintenance.

Misaligned tracks can lead to many issues, including the door sticking or binding, uneven movement, or the door rubbing against its frame. The door might even come off the tracks in severe cases, posing a significant safety hazard. Therefore, understanding how to adjust garage door tracks is essential for maintaining the functionality and safety of your garage door.

Signs That Your Garage Door Tracks Need Adjustment: Identifying Common Issues

Before you begin adjusting your garage door tracks, it's important to recognize the signs that an adjustment is needed.

Misaligned Tracks

If your garage door appears crooked or isn't parallel to the ground when closed, this could be a sign of misaligned tracks. Additionally, if the door has difficulty opening or closing or gets stuck at certain points along the tracks, this may also indicate a misalignment issue.

Uneven Movement

Your garage door should move smoothly along its tracks when opening or closing. If you notice that the door is jerky or has uneven movement, this might be a sign that the tracks are not properly aligned.

Loud or Grinding Sounds

Unusual sounds such as grinding, squeaking, or banging can also indicate misaligned tracks. These noises may occur because the door is rubbing against the tracks or other system parts, causing friction and subsequent noise.

Preparation for Adjustment: Steps to Take Before Starting

Before you start adjusting your garage door tracks, take a few preparatory steps to ensure a safer and more efficient process.

Safety Precautions

As with any DIY project, safety should be your priority. Disconnect the garage door opener to prevent accidental activation of the door during the adjustment process. Wear protective gear such as gloves and safety glasses to protect yourself from potential injuries.

Gathering Necessary Tools

You will need a few basic tools to adjust your garage door tracks. These include a wrench or socket set for loosening and tightening the track bolts, a rubber mallet for gently adjusting the position of the tracks, and a level to ensure the tracks are perfectly vertical.

Inspecting the Tracks

Before making any adjustments, inspect the tracks for any visible signs of damage or wear. Look for bends in the tracks, rust, or loose bolts. If the tracks are severely damaged, they may need to be replaced rather than adjusted.

Assessing the Alignment: Checking for Misalignment

Once you have taken the necessary safety precautions, gathered your tools, and inspected the tracks, it's time to assess the alignment of your garage door tracks.

Visual Inspection

Begin by visually inspecting the tracks. Look for any signs of misalignment, such as gaps between the tracks and the rollers or bends in the tracks. The tracks should be parallel to each other and at the same height.

Using a Level

To confirm that your tracks are correctly aligned, use a level. Place the level against the track vertically and horizontally to check for deviations. The bubble in the level should be centered, indicating that the track is straight.

Tools and Materials Needed: Essential Equipment for Adjustment

In order to successfully adjust your garage door tracks, several tools and materials are needed. Here's a list of the essential equipment:


A set of wrenches is necessary for loosening and tightening the bolts that secure the garage door tracks to the wall.


A rubber mallet or hammer gently taps the tracks into the desired position.


Once the tracks are properly aligned, it's good practice to lubricate them to ensure smooth operation. A high-quality garage door lubricant is used for this purpose.

Adjustment Process: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you know what tools you need and have assessed the alignment of your tracks, it's time to start adjusting. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Loosening the Bolts

Start by using your wrench to loosen the bolts that secure the garage door tracks to the wall. Loosen them just enough to allow the tracks to move, but do not completely remove the bolts.

Aligning the Tracks

Next, use your rubber mallet to gently tap the bottom of the tracks until they are perfectly vertical. Use your level to ensure they are straight. If you need to move the tracks to the left or right, gently tap the top or bottom of the tracks with the mallet.

Tightening the Bolts

Once the tracks are properly aligned, tighten the bolts to secure the tracks in place. Make sure to tighten them securely to prevent the tracks from moving out of alignment in the future.

Testing the Garage Door: Ensuring Proper Functionality

After adjusting your garage door tracks, testing the door to ensure it's working properly is essential. Open and close the door several times, checking for smooth operation. If the door isn't operating smoothly, you may need to repeat the adjustment process until it does.

Common Mistakes to Avoid: Tips for a Successful Adjustment

Adjusting garage door tracks can be a straightforward process, but there are still common mistakes to avoid:

Over-tightening Bolts

One common mistake is over-tightening the bolts that secure the tracks to the wall. Over-tightening can warp the tracks, leading to further misalignment. When tightening the bolts, ensure they are secure, but don't apply excessive force.

Tips for a Successful Adjustment

Ignoring Safety Guidelines

Ignoring safety guidelines is another common mistake. Always disconnect the garage door opener before starting any work, and wear protective gear to prevent injuries.

Regular Maintenance Tips: Preventing Future Track Issues

Regular maintenance of your garage door can prevent future track issues. Here are a few tips to keep your garage door in top shape:

Cleaning the Tracks

Regularly cleaning the tracks can prevent dirt and debris from building up and causing alignment issues. Use a mild detergent and a soft cloth to clean the tracks.

Lubricating Moving Parts

Lubricating the moving parts of your garage door, including the tracks and rollers, can ensure smooth operation and prevent wear and tear. Use a high-quality garage door lubricant, and apply it sparingly to avoid attracting dirt and grime.

When to Call the Professionals: Signs You Need Professional Assistance

While many homeowners can adjust their garage door tracks themselves, professional assistance is sometimes needed. If your tracks are severely damaged, the door is still not operating smoothly after adjustment, or you're not comfortable doing the work yourself, don't hesitate to call a professional.

At Dually Doors, we are experts in garage door maintenance in Pensacola, FL. Our team can quickly and efficiently adjust your garage door tracks, ensuring your door operates smoothly and safely. With our dedication to customer satisfaction, you can trust us to provide top-notch service.

Conclusion: Achieve Smooth and Safe Garage Door Operation with Dually Doors

Properly adjusted garage door tracks are essential for your garage door's smooth and safe operation. Following this guide, you can change your garage door tracks for a perfect fit. However, if you encounter any difficulties or need professional assistance, please get in touch with us at Dually Doors. We are here to ensure your garage door works perfectly, providing the necessary convenience and security.

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